
an Ensemble Stars fan webshrine


Megurine Luka (巡音ルカ), codenamed CV03, is a Japanese VOCALOID developed and distributed by Crypton Future Media, Inc., and was initially released in January 2009 for the VOCALOID2 engine. She is the third release of Crypton's Character Vocal Series and is a Character Voice VOCALOID. In March 2015, additional voicebanks and an upgrade to the VOCALOID4 engine were released. Her voice is provided by the Japanese voice actress and singer, Yū Asakawa (浅川悠 / Asakawa Yū), who was recorded in Japanese and English for the voicebank.VOCALOID wiki

In simpler terms, Luka is a singing synthesizer intended for use by digital music producers. If you've heard of Hatsune Miku, she is from the same product line. As with most Vocaloid software, she is represented by an anime character mascot: a young woman with long, pink hair and an elegant yet futuristic black-and-gold dress. According to fan lore, her favourite food is tuna. She is sometimes depicted as a tiny octopus with pink tentacles for hair, known as Tako Luka!

I have been a huge fan of Luka as both a voice and as a character since shortly after her release in 2009. That's why I made this shrine: to share the many wonderful things I love about Luka!!!

Why Luka?

Favourite Songs

All links open the song in a new Youtube tab so you can give them a listen!

Dreamin Chuchu by emon(Tes.)

My thoughts...

Currently my favourite Luka song and my favourite Vocaloid song overall. I am a huge fan of emon, and this track is pure candy-coated bliss that never fails to make me smile, even after a bad day. Beyond the charming illustrations in the original music video, I also love the dance that goes along with this song! Chocola-ta-ta-ta-ta~

7days by emon(Tes.)

My thoughts...

This was the first emon track I heard, and there's a funny reason why. Back when the world still used iTunes, this was one of the only Megurine Luka tracks that was available—so I bought it just because I wanted more Luka on my iPod. It turned out to be a banger, so I have no regrets there! It's a great beachy track to listen to in the summertime...or in the dead of winter, when you want to imagine it's a little warmer.

World's End Dancehall by Wowaka (RIP ♥)

My thoughts...

One of Luka and Miku's quintessential duets. I remember being blown away when this song first came out and I couldn't stop listening to it. It remains one of my favourite Vocaloid tracks of all time, and also one of my favourite Project Diva stages to play. The studio version is great (...does that terminology apply to a Vocaloid?) but my favourite version is this live recording—Luka and Miku's outfits coordinate so well, and it's entrancing to watch their mirrored dance. Plus, the band nailed it! Thank you, Wowaka, for sharing your incredible music with us.

Just Be Friends by Dixie Flatline

My thoughts...

What kind of self-respecting Luka song list wouldn't have Just Be Friends on it? While it's not my #1 favourite song of hers anymore, it's the song that initially made me fall in love with Luka all those years ago. And it's still up there on the list—the song itself is so danceable, and yet the lyrics are so sad. Everyone's crying in the club when JBF comes on. (Incidentally, JBF Luka was my first cosplay all the way back in 2011!)

Answer by Dixie Flatline

My thoughts...

The sequel to Just Be Friends, where Luka has had enough time to heal and move on from her breakup. Watching this video for the first time moved me to tears. Through the poignant lyrics and gorgeous illustrations, we see how Luka has managed to embrace the possibility of new love, even though she still thinks of her old flame sometimes...but time marches forward, and so does Luka. It's a beautiful follow-up to her most iconic track.

Blackjack by Yucha-P

My thoughts...

Every time I play this track in Project Diva, I get an absolutely crap score. Half because it's fast, and half because I'm too busy being extremely bisexual about the video going on in the background.

Luka Luka★Night Fever by Samfree (RIP ♥)

My thoughts...

The song that gave this shrine its name! An infectiously fun eurobeat track with a great dance to match, Luka Luka★Night Fever is Luka's answer to Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru—and dare I say it? Even better. Samfree left an unforgettable mark on Luka's legacy and will keep us dancing for years to come.

Secret by Ryuuuu

My thoughts...

One of my favourites from way back in the day. I feel like not so many people listen to this one anymore, which is a shame, because I still love it. The video is so cute with all the kitty cats, and I think the thick-rimmed glasses suit Luka. Also, shoutout to the part where it looks like she's pooping out a bunch of chairs. You'll know when you see it. (This is another outfit that I have cosplayed!)

Toeto by Toraboruta-P

My thoughts...

Another oldie-but-goodie that I loved when I was young. Luka is just too cute here. I want to cheer for her! You can do it!!!

Tricolore Airline by Atsuzou-kun

My thoughts...

While Miku's version of this song is better-known, I of course like Luka's the best. I have fully convinced myself that her version objectively sounds better and I have zero bias. Follow your dreams, become delusional. ❤️ Also, I think the outfits for this video are SO irresistibly cute.

Hello Worker by KEI

My thoughts...

Luka Experiences the Existential Horrors of Capitalism

No Logic by Jimmythumb-P

My thoughts...

Where the hell would we be without No Logic? Nowhere good, that's for sure. It's one of Luka's finest. I just love the guitar in this one.

Megane by Ultra-Noob

My thoughts...

This song was specifically engineered for me in a lab. Glasses Luka...............

Travel Beyond the Moon by Vocaloider/Utau-er (orig. Vil-P)

My thoughts...

This is a cover that I actually prefer to the original. I think this producer did a fabulous job of tuning Luka V4X!

Happy Synthesizer by BETTI

My thoughts...

A classic for a reason. Gumi and Luka sound amazing together, and the dance that goes along with this song is absolutely iconic.

drop pop candy by Reol

My thoughts...

Another iconic and adorable duet between Luka and Rin. It's a shame that there are so few Rin-Luka duets! I want more!! This is another video where I love the visuals a lot, too.

Isshin Furan by Umetora

My thoughts...

This extremely catchy track also features Miku and Gumi. LET'S GO GIRLS 💃

Leia by Yuyoyuppe

My thoughts...

I have a Thing for 5/4 time signatures.

Palette by Yuyoyuppe

My thoughts...

He simply killed it with the Luka tracks!!!!!!!

Favourite Modules

Merchandise I Own

Meeting Asakawa Yū!

This is the part where I sound especially dorky and fangirly, but it was one of the coolest things that ever happened to me and still makes me so happy to think back on!!

At Anime North 2012, I rewore my Just Be Friends Luka costume from the previous year on Sunday of the con to attend Asakawa Yū's Q&A panel. I didn't have any questions planned, I just wanted to see her and be like, OMG, that's Luka's voice provider! So cool. (I'm also a big fan of Azumanga Daioh and love her work as Sakaki!)

At one point during the panel, somebody asked Asakawa to sing one of Luka's songs. She decided to sing Just Be Friends, and then noticed me in the audience...and to my shock, she asked me to stand up and grabbed my hand! We sang JBF together and it was so fun!!! (Someone at the con recorded it, so I happily have a video to remember this moment. I feel a bit shy about posting it directly on here, but if you go digging you can find it.)

After the panel was over, I went up to talk to her a little bit and thank her for the fun opportunity. She asked her assistant to take a picture of us! I left the con feeling absolutely giddy. Later, I saw that she had tweeted the picture of us together, and she called me beautiful! I was so stunned and happy!!!

@Julia320: So happy!A beautiful Just Be Friends Luka came to my Q&A session!Thank U for choosing Luka:)

As an insecure teenager who was a huge fan of Asakawa's character, it meant the world to me that she was so kind and complimentary toward me and my costume. I haven't ever forgotten it and it's something that I look back on fondly. Thank you, Asakawa-san, for the wonderful memory! I will always choose Luka. :)